Running a hydrological model over a watershed defined by a shapefile

This notebook shows how to run Raven over a user-defined watershed. The watershed contour is provided by a shapefile, which we use to subset meteorological data and to extract watershed physiographic properties. The meteorological data is spatially averaged, then fed to the Raven hydrological model to simulate streamflow.

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# This entire section is cookie-cutter template to allow calling the servers and instantiating the connection
# to the WPS server. Do not modify this block.

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from zipfile import ZipFile
import glob
import json
import os
import datetime as dt
import tempfile

from birdy import WPSClient
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from xclim import subset
import fiona
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import rioxarray
import shapely
import xarray as xr

from example_data import TESTDATA

# Set environment variable WPS_URL to "http://localhost:9099" to run on the default local server
url = os.environ.get("WPS_URL", "")
wps = WPSClient(url)

# Temporary directory to store meteorological data
tmp = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
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# SETUP THE RUN PARAMETERS. The data will be extracted to cover the simulation period

start = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
stop = dt.datetime(2002, 12, 31)
UTCoffset_hours = -6 # for UTC delta

# The shapefile of the catchment. All files (.shp, .shx, etc.) must be zipped into one file. "vec" is a string
# or Posix Path pointing to the zipped watershed contour file location.
vec = TESTDATA['watershed_vector']
print("The file location is: " + str(vec))

# Choose a dataset to use. We have 'NRCAN' and 'ERA5' for now.
# NRCAN is only available in Canada, while ERA5 is global.
dataset = 'ERA5'

# Choose a hydrological model to use. We have 'HMETS', 'GR4JCN','MOHYSE' and 'HBVEC'.
hydromodel = 'HMETS'
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# We will first need to process the catchment boundaries from the zipped shapefile.
shp = list(tmp.glob("*.shp"))[0]
vector =, "r")


# Get access to the geometry using the fiona API
shdf = [["geometry"]]
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# From the shapefile, call the PAVICS-Hydro service to extract properties such as centroid lat/long, elevation and area.
resp = wps.shape_properties(shape=str(vec))
[properties, ]=resp.get(asobj=True)
prop = properties[0]
basin_area = prop['area']/1000000.0
basin_longitude = prop['centroid'][0]
basin_latitude = prop['centroid'][1]

# This uses the HydroSheds DEM
resp = wps.terrain_analysis(shape=str(vec), select_all_touching=True, projected_crs=3978)
properties, dem = resp.get(asobj=True)

print("Area: ", basin_area)
print("Elevation: ", basin_elevation)
print("Longitude: ", basin_longitude)
print("Latitude: ", basin_latitude)
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if dataset=='NRCAN':
    # Define the path to the netcdf file and write to disk (the basin averaged data)
    tsfile= tmp / ''

    if not tsfile.exists():
        # Path to unified NetCDF ML dataset file on the THREDDS server (OPeNDAP link)

        #Open the dataset file and slice the desired lat/lon (+1°Buffer) and limit to the time simulation duration
        ds=xr.open_dataset(NRCAN_url).sel(lat=slice(lat_max+1,lat_min-1), lon=slice(lon_min-1,lon_max+1), time=slice(start, stop))

        # Rioxarray requires CRS definitions for variables
        tas =
        pr =
        ds = xr.merge([tas, pr])

        # Now apply the mask of the basin contour and average the values to get a single time series
        sub =, crs=4326)
        sub = sub.mean(dim={'lat','lon'}, keep_attrs=True)

        # Define the path to the netcdf file and write to disk (the basin averaged data)

    # Prepare the linear transform parameters for the hydrological model run.
    nc_transforms = json.dumps({'tasmax': {'linear_transform': (1.0, -273.15)},'tasmin': {'linear_transform': (1.0, -273.15)},'pr': {'linear_transform': (86400.0, 0.0)}})
[ ]:
if dataset=='ERA5':
    tsfile=tmp / ''
    day = dt.timedelta(days=1)
    if not tsfile.exists():
        ds=xr.open_dataset(ERA5_url).sel(latitude=slice(lat_max+1,lat_min-1), longitude=slice(lon_min+360-1,lon_max+360+1),time=slice(start - day, stop + day))

        # Special treatment for ERA5 in North America: ECMWF stores ERA5 longitude in 0:360 format rather than -180:180. We need to reassign the longitudes here
        ds = ds.assign_coords({'longitude':ds['longitude'].values[:]-360})

        # Rioxarray requires CRS definitions for variables
        tas =
        pr =
        ds = xr.merge([tas, pr])

        sub =,
        sub = sub.mean(dim={'latitude','longitude'}, keep_attrs=True)

        # Define the path to the netcdf file and write to disk (the basin averaged data)

    #Perform the linear transform and time shift
    nc_transforms=json.dumps({'tas': {'linear_transform': (1.0, -273.15), 'time_shift': UTCoffset_hours/24}, 'pr': {'linear_transform': (24000.0, 0.0), 'time_shift': UTCoffset_hours/24}})

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# Map of precip snapshot,
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# Model configuration parameters
config = dict(
    run_name='test_' + dataset + '_' + hydromodel,
    nc_spec= nc_transforms

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# Here is where the magic happens, and the RAVEN modeling framework parses the information that we give it
# to run the hydrological model that we chose with the dataset that we chose.

# Here we provide a set of hydrological model parameters by default, but these can be adjusted, modified or calibrated later.
if hydromodel=='HMETS':
    params = '9.5019, 0.2774, 6.3942, 0.6884, 1.2875, 5.4134, 2.3641, 0.0973, 0.0464, 0.1998, 0.0222, -1.0919,2.6851, 0.3740, 1.0000, 0.4739, 0.0114, 0.0243, 0.0069, 310.7211, 916.1947'
    resp = wps.raven_hmets(ts=str(tsfile), params=params, rain_snow_fraction='RAINSNOW_DINGMAN', **config,)

elif hydromodel=='GR4JCN':
    params = '0.529, -3.396, 407.29, 1.072, 16.9, 0.947'
    resp = wps.raven_gr4j_cemaneige(ts=str(tsfile), params = params, **config)

elif hydromodel=='MOHYSE':
    params = '1.00, 0.0468, 4.2952, 2.6580, 0.4038, 0.0621, 0.0273, 0.0453'
    hrus = '0.9039, 5.6179775' # MOHYSE has a particular setup that requires parameters for HRUs.
    resp = wps.raven_mohyse(ts=str(tsfile), params = params, hrus=hrus, rain_snow_fraction='RAINSNOW_DINGMAN', **config)

elif hydromodel=='HBVEC':
    params = '0.05984519, 4.072232, 2.001574, 0.03473693, 0.09985144, 0.5060520, 3.438486, 38.32455, 0.4606565, 0.06303738, 2.277781, 4.873686, 0.5718813, 0.04505643, 0.877607, 18.94145, 2.036937, 0.4452843, 0.6771759, 1.141608, 1.024278'
    resp = wps.raven_hbv_ec(ts=str(tsfile), evaporation="PET_OUDIN", ow_evaporation="PET_OUDIN", params=params, **config)
[ ]:
# The model has run! We can get the response.
# With `asobj` set to False, only the reference to the output is returned in the response.
# Setting `asobj` to True will retrieve the actual files and copy them locally.
[hydrograph, storage, solution, diagnostics, rv] = resp.get(asobj=True)

Since we requested output objects, we can simply access the output objects. The dianostics is just a CSV file:

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The hydrograph and storage outputs are netCDF files storing the time series. These files are opened by default using xarray, which provides convenient and powerful time series analysis and plotting tools.

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from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters

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print("Max: ", hydrograph.q_sim.max())
print("Mean: ", hydrograph.q_sim.mean())
print("Monthly means: ", hydrograph.q_sim.groupby(hydrograph.time.dt.month).mean(dim='time'))

If we want, we can also download the simulation data and analyze it on our own computer, software and tools:

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# Re-extract the WPS Server response, but this time set the "asobj" to False to return the file path.
[hydrograph, storage, solution, diagnostics, rv] = resp.get(asobj=False)
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