========= Notebooks ========= These notebooks demonstrates a few features of the Raven server. If you're unfamiliar with notebooks, note that typing `TAB` after an object will display a drop-down menu of the object's attributes and methods, and that you need to hit `CTRL-Enter` to run a *cell*. You can also type `?` after a function or method to display the corresponding help message. Note that some of these notebooks need the bleeding edge version of OWSLib_ (>=0.17.1) and Birdy_ (> 0.6.3) since some issues were found and fixed in the process of writing these notebooks. .. toctree:: running_hmets running_gr4jcn running_mohyse running_hbv_ec getting_variables_other_than_flow canopex watershed_subset gridded_data_subset multi_model_simulation Raven_run_parallel_basins Run_Raven_with_Parallel_parameters computing_objective_functions Delineation_workflow time_series_analysis Perform_Regionalization running_OSTRICH_hmets running_OSTRICH_gr4jcn running_OSTRICH_hbvec running_OSTRICH_mohyse Region_selection Running_models_with_multiple_timeseries_files .. _OWSLib: https://geopython.github.io/OWSLib/ .. _Birdy: https://birdy.readthedocs.io